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Service of Process in the City of New York

Licensed process servers for all the counties of The City of New York: License #2067123

Legal Process Service Instructions
If You Need  Process Server Services in New York, Here Is What You Must Do:

I Have a  Summons and/or Complaint  or Out of State Summons and Complaint:

1- Send or bring the summons and complaint to us. If using the postal service, send two copies of the pleadings by regular mail, express mail or by priority mail. Please avoid certified mail because it may cause delays.  If using fax or email, only send one copy.
Retain your original summons and complaint. Under New York laws it is O.K.. to serve copies of Court papers. The sooner you send the documents the higher the chances for us to effect service timely.

2- Enclose a  check or money order payable to "New York Process Service" or make payment on this  Web site. Generally, the process service fee to pay is $110.00. For Divorces and Family Court, the fee is also $110.00.

If you are an attorney  you may be entitled to paying lower fees. Please visit the Process Service for Attorneys page to find discounted attorney fees.

3- If available, please provide a description of defendant (Age, color of skin, color of hair, height, weight,  color of eyes and other identifying features). We strongly suggest emailing a photograph in addition to providing the description.

4- Provide a correct address for us to find and serve Defendant. If possible give us home and work addresses and work schedule. If you provide an incorrect address, the process service fees you paid will not be refunded. However, we will attempt service of your papers at an additional  New York City address you give us free of charge if the first address you gave us is incorrect.

Service of process by us  is guaranteed as long as you provide a correct address and the Defendant is not evading service.

5- Inform us if Defendant has evaded service before. If possible, tell us who is residing with him/her, the make of car he/she drives, and whether Defendant has guard dogs or a restricted access property or work place.

6- Give us a correct address where we can send you the corresponding affidavit of service (Service return) after  we serve your Defendant. Contact us promptly if you do not receive said affidavit by the date we promised you would receive it.

I Have a Divorce Summons and Petition, Family Court Petition and Summons  or Out of State Summons for Divorce.

1- Follow Steps 1 through 6 outlined above. Generally the fee for Divorce and Family Court cases is $110.00.

2- If your case will be heard in a court out of New York, send a copy of the affidavit form required by your court (Your jurisdiction may require a legal affidavit  or service return with a different format or verbiage).

3- Give us the name and description of any other adult who can accept process on behalf of defendant. If your court does not allow substituted service, please notify us.

Generally divorces and certain Family Court cases may take longer than five days to be served if respondents must be served in person and/or they are evading service. New York law requires service in hand for most of those cases unless otherwise ordered by a judge.

4- If your case will be heard in New York, do not send affidavit forms, Child Support Standards Chart and Child Support Affidavit forms because we have those forms.

I Have a New York Subpoena or Out of State Subpoena:

1-Follow steps 1 through 6 outlined above.

2-Together with the $110.00 that we charge for serving process in New York, you may need to add the New York subpoena fee for the subpoena recipient. As per New York law, the subpoena fee may range from $0 to $45.00, depending on the address of the witness and the venue where the case will be heard.

If you do not attach the subpoena fee we will serve the subpoena without it.  If you wish to attach the fee, just add it to our service fee (E.g.: If you are paying $20.00  to the subpoena recipient, then send us $110 + $20 = $130.00).  

Please call or email us if you have questions.

I Need Process Serving in 24 Hours or I Need Rush Process Service for Today:

1-Follow steps 1 through 6 outlined above.

2- You must call us first and discuss the process service job with us before we agree to effect service on the same day or the next day.

3- You must always pay in advance for process service. This rules also applies for attorneys and law firms. Usually the cost is $225.00 for same day service. The fee for service within 24 hours is $195.00.

4- You must ensure that your court papers are either sent by FedEx, fax or email and received by us before 11:00 A.M. of  the day when service will be effected.

Process service in New York City is a licensed activity which is regulated by the New York City Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP). All persons who serve over five documents per year must be licensed and bonded.

All rights reserved. May 2001-June 2023.      New York Process Service. We are the only entity authorized to use the name "New York Process Service" in the State of New York.

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